Park life!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Truffle found a few Valentines at the dog park, so we shared some Heart BEET and Ricotta Cookies. Here are some of the furry friends we met at Point Isabel this weekend…

Manny (short for Manchego… Go cheese dogs!), a fun lab mix who liked to butt-bump Truffle. Also pictured, an Aussie shepherd who wandered over to get in on the treat action. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Racing Olly the rocket dog. This was one of the few times Truffle got in the lead.

Molly, what a cutie! She really wanted that cookie.

Friday the Formosan Mountain Dog. We checked out a few FMD rescues before we found Truffle–they are beautiful dogs. These two had a great time running around. Hope to see you again soon, Friday!

2 replies on “Happy Valentine’s Day!”

What a great action shot of Friday and Truffle having a blast! Friday LOVED the cookies you gave her and I’m loving your blog. I’ll be keeping an eye out for new posts! Hope to see you all again soon!
-Karen (Friday’s human mom)

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